Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Industry Surveys

You gotta know your industry.

Is an industry growing, consolidating or emerging? Or is there declining demand for their products? Do people want different things from that industry - say, less white bread and more whole wheat? Are their raw materials and labor costs going up or down? Who has the biggest market share? Are demographics affecting the industry in any way? Is someone way out front with a killer product or service?

Our industry surveys are located in these databases:

Business Source Complete
Marketline Advantage
Market Research
Standard and Poor's (industries tab is at the top of the screen)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Book Review: Jane Jacobs's The Economy of Cities

Jane Jacobs was a fascinating thinker, economist, urban studies and public policy theorist. Her work addresses the growth of cities and their economies.

Here are some interesting ideas she poses in her work The Economy of Cities.

Why adding new work to old work is crucial to growing an economy (instead of merely dividing existing work more)

Why loosely structured and inefficient economies are better suited to survive change.
Why cities predated agriculture as we know it.
How cities can replace imported goods with their own industries.
Why some villages grow into cities and some do not.
How the design of urban spacies can either promote order or hinder it.

If you are studying urban studies, public policy or economics you need to read her.

 For some reason, she has two entries in the catalog. One here, the other here

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos Average Wages

Look up what different professions make in the Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos Metro Area here.

Office managers, financial professionals, health care workers, construction, lots of other professions' average local salary here.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Consumer Prices: We Spent How Much on That?

Find out how much the American consumer spent on different categories of products. Pretty good product details - florists, lotteries, eyeglasses, sewing, taxicabs - to give you an idea of the level of coverage here. 

Once you're there:

1. Go to Section 2
2. Choose Table 2.4.5U

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Options in Valueline

Valueline is a good database that has commentary and recommendations for buying or selling options. Plus all the numbers you need: strike prices, expiration dates, bid prices and more.

1. Go to Valueline
2. Choose Research Hub
3. You have many options about options to choose from - including the Options Survey with the lock next to it!  It WILL let you in.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Investing Research Guide is Up

The Investing Research Guide is now up! Contains both print and online resources.

Everything you need to know about interpreting financial statements, technical analysis of stock patterns, bonds, getting industry analysis, understanding economic history and more.

I think you will appreciate using some of these deep resources!