Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Business At The Movies: Executive Suite

Check out Executive Suite here.

Classic 1954 film about behind the scenes maneuvering during a corporate board meeting.  

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Book Review: Krupp: A History of the Legendary German Firm

A short book review for you today. 

Krupp is a German Company famous for its high quality steel, armaments, appliances and other products.  It is a prototypical German company that follows the German model of higher wages, export led growth, and close cooperation with the government. 

Krupp: A History Of The Legendary German Firm is an informative and easy- to-read history.  German corporations are distinctly different from American ones: they are typically family-owned and prize quality instead of cost saving. A lot of this is made possible by the extreme emphasis on export led growth, and the book is very informative on this point.